Company Profile
Exporters of velvet boxes, bracelet box, ring box, necklace box, cufflink box, watch box, pendent boxes, velvet box, cardboard boxes, corrugated box, jewellery box, gift boxes, flock boxes, coin box, earring box, perfumes box, meddle box, pens box, flock box, bangle box, plastic box, paper box
- Business Type
- Business In
- GST Number -----
- I am Manufacturer , Supplier , Service Provider
- No. Employees
- Year Established -----
Location of Registration
- Country/Region -----
- Province/City -----
Company Operational Address
- Address -----
- Zip/Postal Code -----
Company Albums
Partner Factories
Trade Capacity
Main Markets and Distribution
- North America
- Central America
- South America
- Eastern Europe
- Northern Europe
- Southern Europe
- Eastern Asia
- South Asia
- Southeast Asia
- Africa
- Oceania
- Mid East
- Domestic Market
Trade Ability
- Year Established
- Total Employees
- Company Website
- Annual Revenue
- Certifications
- Patents
- Export (%) %
Business Terms
Are you able to source across multiple industries.
Does your company have an overseas office.
- Accepted Currency
- Accepted Payment Type
- Language Spoken